Current sensor 2mA/2mA Current Transformer voltmeter wattmeter energy meter use

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Current sensor 2mA/2mA Current Transformer voltmeter wattmeter energy meter use

A current transformer (CT) is an electric device that produces an Alternating_current (AC) in its secondary which is proportional to the AC in its primary.Here is 2mA in Primary and 2mA in secondary.


Typically used for voltmeter wattmeter energy meter etc.


  •  Accuracy:+/-0.3%
  • Phase error:+/-23'
  • Frequency:50-60Hz
  • Insulation Resistance:100M ohm@500Vdc

An application example:


Input 100V, output 5V, the component pick up:


R’=100V/2ma=50K ohm, pick up 51K ohm/1Watt here;


I=100V/(51K+110) ohm=1.96mA, 110 ohm is coil primary resistance;


R=5V/1.96mA=2.55K Ohm, pick up R=2.5 Kohm, and series added various resistor to tune it;


C and r’ is for compensation and phase-shift, normally C is 0.01-0.03uF, r’ is variable resistor(200 ohm- 300K ohm)