Tec Cooler Controller Thermo Electric Cooler (TEC) Controller 10A max Ouptput Current
- Power input: DC15V
- Output: ± 12V (maximum), i.e. when pid is 100% adjusted.
- Maximum output current: 10A
- When using DS18B20 channel, the temperature accuracy is ± 0.5, the resolution is 0.0625 ℃, and the temperature detection range is - 55 to 125 ℃
- PT100 is adopted, the temperature accuracy is less than 2 ℃ (tentative, no precision test), the resolution is 0.0625 ℃ by default, which can be customized, and the temperature detection range is - 40 to 200 ℃.
- Driver and controller are electrically isolated.
- Can communicate, can be connected to handheld regulator or computer Via RS232.
- Voltage Output: 12V (Bipolarized),
- Current Output: 10A max
- Resolution:0.0625 ℃
Option 1)DS18B20(-55 TO 125℃) + PT100(-40 TO 200℃)
Option 2) DS18B20 +NTC 10K
- UART RS233 to computer software(Tset,Kp,Ki,Kd,TH,TL)