Photomicrosensor SENSOR OPTO 5MM SLOT TYPE EE-SX673A Free Socket x5pcs

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Photomicrosensor SENSOR OPTO 5MM SLOT TYPE EE-SX67 OMRON equivalent

Lot Of 1pcs 

Features and Application

Standard Slot-type photomicrosensors with 50- to 100-mA direct switching capacity.

Detection distance: 5MM
Light source: GaAs infrared light emitting diode 940nm
Supply Voltage:5-24VDC

Part Numbering

Suffix without A:  when power on, the indicator is lighted, when blocked(object detected), the indicator is OFF;
Suffix with A: when power on, the indicator is OFF, when blocked(object detected), the indicator is lighted ON.

SX67 series pns